It was a very long and hot 2 hour walk back past the Treasury and out to the beginning of the seik. There, however, we found some very willing horse drivers who procured 3 horses for us to ride up to the gate, semi-Indiana Jones style. I felt a slight moment of regret that my floppy hat wasn't with me to enhance the Indiana Jonesness but it would have fallen off any way. And I wouldn't have seen stuff as well. It felt good to ride again, I suppose. I just wish I could have gone for a gallop, or even a lope. Turaq said his horse was an Ar
abian, so I'll bet he could have made the whole stretch in 2 minutes (the horse, not his driver Turaq). Wind blow over me. We had to fight, but eventually everyone but Skye was able to barter down to the 2 JD for the ride as Maha instructed. Skye evidently "didn't know" she wasn't allowed to kick her horse into a full out gallop and leave her aged driver in the dust behind her.
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